About the Game

- Multiplayer & Single Player Support
- Network Events [Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Cargo Assault]
- NPCs [Drones, Sentry Robots, Puppets, Traders]
- Domestic and Wild Animals
- Advanced weather and Day/Time Simulation
- Multiple environment types from the snowy mountain, across the green woodlands to the sunny coastlines.
- Advanced realistic Metabolism System
- Inventory System
- In depth RPG Character Customization
- Basic Visual Character Customization [Tattoos]
- Character Leveling System [Experience Points]
- Basic Crafting System [Skill Based]
- Basic Movement System + Vaulting
- Basic Combat System [Unarmed, Melee Weapons, Firearms]
- Fully Realistic Bullet Physics
- Diverse weapons arsenal with specific weapon maintenance system.
- Weapon attachments
- Animal Tracking and Hunting System
- Advanced fishing system
- Fame Point System
- Economy system
- Squad system
- Basic Shelter Respawn System
- Voice Chat
- Functional Vehicles on Land, Sea and Air
- Vehicular combat
- Fortifications and Base building
- Advanced Archery
- Numerous and diverse POIs from big Cities to small factories.
- Safe zones with outposts
- Metanarrative Gameplay [Primary / Secondary Missions, Side Quests, End Game Content]
- Advanced Visual Character Customization
- Advanced Combat System [Martial Arts + Improved Weapons Control and Movement]
- All Soft Skills and Skill Levels Fully Implemented
- Advanced Crafting System
- Rebellion Experience System
- Advanced NPC and Animal AI
- Additional NPC and Wildlife Sets
- Advanced Team Mechanics
- Additional Network Events
- Advanced Fame Point System
- Additional Weapons and Gear
- Ongoing Optimization